Tag Games

Tag games are easy to play and require minimal equipment, making them a great option for playing in the pool. The basic premise of tag games is that one person is “it” and tries to tag the other players in the pool.

One of the benefits of tag games is that they encourage movement and physical activity. Players must swim, dive, and move quickly to avoid being tagged, which can help improve swimming skills and overall fitness.

Additionally, tag games provide a fun and engaging way to spend time in the water with friends and family. They can be adapted to suit different age groups and skill levels, making them a versatile option for any group.

Another advantage of tag games is that they can be played in a variety of ways which can add an extra layer of excitement and challenge, keeping players engaged and entertained.

Whether playing with friends, family, or in organized groups, tag games are a great way to have fun and stay active in the pool.

illustration of freeze tag in the pool

Freeze Tag

Freeze Tag is a classic tag-style game that has an exciting twist playing in the pool, where players can become “unfrozen” by having someone swim between their legs.

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